Monday, June 25, 2012

Week 3/Day 1

"I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday" -unknown

     This needs to be a new mantra of mine. Today was difficult for me mentally. Though I did do a good job physically with my workouts, my mind seemed to be keeping me down today for whatever reason. I often asked myself today, "was it good enough?" The answer is yes. By completing all my workouts successfully, I know that I prevailed.

My meal plan today is as listed below:

M1: 4 egg white scramble with diced yellow and red peppers, onions with 1tbsp of salsa and 1/2 banana.
M2: (post gym workout): Strawberry-banana protein shake. 1 scoop of strawberries and creme whey protein, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1/2 cup water, crushed ice and 1/2 banana.
M3: 2 cups of mixed greens, skinless turkey chunks, 1 wedge of the Laughing Cow Swiss cheese, 1 tbsp sliced almonds, sliced small gala apple. Dressing on side.
M4: (post-Insanity workout): Chocolate peanut butter protein shake. 1 scoop of pure chocolate whey protein, 1 tbsp of natural peanut butter, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup skim milk and crushed ice.
M5: 2 skinless chicken tenderloins spiced with rosemary, Italian seasonings, crushed red pepper with 2tbsp of marinara sauce, 1 1/2 cup steamed veggies.

---I was not too hungry today. I have made better efforts to drink more water since that is my current goal. I am also trying to swap out more fruits with vegetables. Fruits contain natural sugars and I believe I'm consuming too much sugar at the moment so it's time to bring on the veggies!

My Monday workout is as listed:
--10 minutes of deep stretching
--40 minutes of strength and resistance training. Today was a day for the arms and chest. I was able to add more weight this week.
--20 minutes of HIIT on treadmill @ 7.5 mph with 1.5-2.5% incline throughout.
--Insanity day 1, week 3 Fit Test:
***102 switch kicks (+10)
***45 power jacks (no change)
***116 power knees (+20)
***33 power jumps (+9)
***18 globe jumps (-4)
***20 suicide jumps (-2)
***22 push up jacks (+5)
***43/86 low plank oblique (+12)
Following Fit Test, I've also completed Cardio abs.

-Looking at my fit test results, they are quite an improvement from day 1, however, I now see that I need to personally work better toward certain moves such as my jumps and push ups.
-With my strength training, I've also changed my number of reps. With select dumbbell routines, after completing my necessary reps I'm also using the technique that allows you to work your muscles to failure. Using the same weight until it leads to muscle failure, then going again with a lesser weight.  I am already beginning to the benefits out of it.
It's time to get much needed rest and prepare for the next day. A day for legs and plyometric cardio for me tomorrow!

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